West Jefferson Hills School District
School district data reflects the latest publicly available data from the PA Department of Education. School leadership information is updated on an as needed basis. If you have questions about the data or terms used on this profile, please visit the Terminology page.
This school district serves the following county or counties: Allegheny
District Profile
District Profile
830 Old Clairton Rd
Jefferson Hills, PA 15025-3196
Phone 412-655-8450
Fax 412-943-1003
Municipalities in District
Includes the municipalities of Jefferson Hills Borough, Pleasant Hills Borough, West Elizabeth Borough.
Square Miles
Students Enrolled
Schools in District
Total Number of Schools:
- Gill Hall El Sch (K-2)
- Jefferson Hills Intermediate Sch (3-5)
- McClellan El Sch (K-2)
- Pleasant Hills MS (6,7-8)
- Thomas Jefferson HS (9-12)
Online Learning
Career and Technology Center
Intermediate Unit
District Map
School district: light blue; Administrative office: medium blue circle; County(ies) served: green dashes.
District Demographics
Total Students
- American Indian
- 0.21%
- Asian
- 7.61%
- Black
- 2.57%
- Latino
- 2.14%
- Pacific Islander
- 0.03%
- 2 or More Races
- 3.32%
- White
- 84.11%
- Male
- 52.04%
- Female
- 47.96%
Other Statistics
- Special Education
- 7.64%
- English Learner
- 2.75%
Median Household Income
Revenue Sources
Type of Revenue | Income | Percent of Budget |
Local Revenues | $43,526,561.42 | 69.27% |
State Revenues | $18,253,437.58 | 29.05% |
Federal | $1,051,319.57 | 1.67% |
Other | N/A | N/A |
Other Tax Stats
- Property Taxes Collected by District
- $34,005,096.04
- Property Values Within District
$238,100.00Median Home Value
Academic Outcomes
Graduation Rate
Rigorous Courses
Post-Secondary Plans
- 78.28%
- College/University
- 2.26%
- Other Specialized Learning
PSSA Stats
% of Advanced or Proficient
Grade Level | English Language Arts | Math | Science |
Grade 3 | 81.90% | 83.90% | N/A |
Grade 4 | 61.60% | 63.20% | 84.70% |
Grade 5 | 75.20% | 72.20% | N/A |
Grade 6 | 79.40% | 61.30% | N/A |
Grade 7 | 78.30% | 45.10% | N/A |
Grade 8 | 78.80% | 46.30% | 75.80% |
Keystone Results
% of Advanced or Proficient
Grade Level | Literature | Algebra I | Biology |
Grade 11 | 40.19% | 72.69% | 90.04% |
Student /Teacher Ratio
School District Leadership
School District Leadership
Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Janet Sardon
School Board Directors *
Name | Total Years of Service | Current Term |
School Director Training Certificate
PSBA Provided
Certificate of Board Governance |
Continuing Education Badges Earned
Kimberley Finnerty
Board President
7 | 2021-2025 | |||
Suzanne Downer
Board Vice President
9 | 2023-2027 | |||
Dave Dominick | 9 | 2023-2027 | |||
Denise Kahler | 5 | 2023-2027 | |||
Ashley Malley | < 1 year | 2024-2025 |
New School Director Training (RQD-NEW) ![]() |
Anthony Rash | 4 | 2023-2027 | |||
Adam Rice | 1 | 2023-2025 |
New School Director Training (RQD-NEW) ![]() |
Kristin Shoemaker | 7 | 2021-2025 |
Advanced School Director Training (RQD-ADV) ![]() |
Christopher Zacur | 7 | 2021-2025 |
* School board directors in Pennsylvania are required to complete specific training requirements following their election under Act 55 of 2017 and Act 18 of 2019. Newly elected directors must complete five hours of training within the first year of their first term, while reelected directors must complete three hours of advanced training within the first year of their reelected term. School board director data will be updated as it is made available. Data updates occur regularly and are ongoing.
Success Stories
- Thomas Jefferson HS students earn second consecutive Allegheny County Envirothon title
- McClellan Elementary students recognized for PTA Reflections creations by WJHSD board
- BCAP program students recognized at WJHSD board meeting
- Pleasant Hills Middle School’s AHN Chill Room receives $20,000 donation
- Thomas Jefferson HS earns Silver distinction in AP School Honor Roll
- Pleasant Hills Middle School annual Thanksgiving food drive delivers for community
- Thomas Jefferson High School salutes veterans with inspirational celebration
- Growing interest in Thomas Jefferson HS ASL class a sign of the times
- Thomas Jefferson HS students and WJHSD School Board recognized
- Pleasant Hills Middle School annual Thanksgiving food drive benefits community
- Thomas Jefferson HS salutes veterans
- Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive supports community
- Students immersed in Costa Rica’s rich culture and biodiversity
- Jaguar LEAP helps students acclimate to high school
- A year filled with student achievement and highlights
- WJHSD donates instruments to assist Duquesne City SD
- Students pursuing passions beyond the classroom
- Thomas Jefferson HS celebrates record AP students and scholars
- Thomas Jefferson High School prioritizing college and career readiness
- WJH Community raises $82,000 for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- ‘Pittsburgh Builds Bridges’ has unifying impact on WJH community
- West Jefferson Hills SD holds first K-5 curriculum showcase
- Staff, first responders conduct emergency preparedness exercise
- Teachers team up to produce Amazon No. 1 new release ESL book
- Environmental Science students “race” to learn about global water crisis
- Pleasant Hills student wins PA DEP Radon Poster contest
- School receives $500 Grief-Sensitive Schools Initiative grant
- Student entrepreneurs shine at Final Pitch
- AHN LifeFlight offers learning presentation
- Celebrating Earth Day with a virtual visit to the district apiary
- Thomas Jefferson High School celebrates first group of AP Scholars
- New classroom pet an opportunity for learning
- Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation names principals MVPs
- Upcycling changes trash to art
- A celebration of spring and diversity
- Life Skills students compete in Black and Gold Invitational
- Pen pals put a face with a name
- Jaguar Job Lab debuts at Thomas Jefferson High School
- WJHSD celebrates Black History Month
- Students enjoy a ‘Blind Date with a Book’
- L.O.V.E. is coming to Thomas Jefferson High School
- First graders study the science of sound
- High School Builds Apple Orchard to Support Apiary Science Program
- WJHSD Celebrates Veterans Day
- Physics Students Participate in Annual Pumpkin Drop
- McClellan Elementary Kindergarten Students Celebrate Election Day
- McClellan Elementary School Kindergartners Write the Room
- Thomas Jefferson High School Students Take Part in Dignity & Respect Campaign
- TJHS students prove physics is fun
- TJHS French students recreate famous works of art
- WJHSD celebrates “Rock Your Socks for World Down Syndrome Day” at home
- PHMS Dignity and Respect Interest Group serving those in need
- Thomas Jefferson High School Best Buddies Club promotes inclusion pledge
- TJHS student receives “Spectacular, Super Special, Stand out Student Award”
- Gill Hall Elementary second graders create Living Wax Museum
- TJHS students celebrate Black History Month with visit from state president of NAACP
- McClellan kindergartners celebrate 100th day of school with donation to Beverly’s Birthdays