Palmerton High School students investigate science careers

Mr. Petersen’s students and guest speakers participated in an engaging learning experience at Palmerton Area Senior High School.
Mr. Justin Petersen, science teacher at Palmerton Area Senior High School, invited some alumni back to speak to his students regarding employment in the science fields. These guests/alumni spoke about their academic and professional journey. Once each guest spoke in general about themselves, Mr. Petersen broke the students and guests into small groups. Then our high school students spent the rest of the period having a more individualized conversation and a Q & A session. The students spent time with the presenter who assimilated closely to the career they were most interested in. The presenters were also excited about helping our students move forward. They gave out their contact information to answer any future questions, and they provided information regarding internships and summer job opportunities.
“This was a great event. We were able to bring in alumni who work in various science and medical related fields. I received great feedback from my students and even some parents. Since this went so well, the high school’s science department is planning to do another one soon for engineering,” said Mr. Petersen.
“Opportunities such as these are invaluable to our high school students as they investigate potential college and career paths. I appreciate Mr. Petersen working with his colleagues and our alumni to provide this real-life learning experience for our students,” said Superintendent Dr. Jodi Frankelli.