The School District of Haverford Twp
School district data reflects the latest publicly available data from the PA Department of Education. School leadership information is updated on an as needed basis. If you have questions about the data or terms used on this profile, please visit the Terminology page.
This school district serves the following county or counties: Delaware
District Profile
District Profile
50 E Eagle Rd
Havertown, PA 19083-1532
Phone 610-853-5900
Fax 610-853-5942
Municipalities in District
Includes the municipalities of Haverford Township.
Square Miles
Students Enrolled
Schools in District
Total Number of Schools:
- Chatham Park El Sch (K,1-5)
- Chestnutwold El Sch (K,1-5)
- Coopertown El Sch (K,1-5)
- Haverford MS (6,7-8)
- Haverford SHS (9-12)
- Lynnewood El Sch (K,1-5)
- Manoa El Sch (K,1-5)
Online Learning
Career and Technology Center
Intermediate Unit
District Map
School district: light blue; Administrative office: medium blue circle; County(ies) served: green dashes.
District Demographics
Total Students
- American Indian
- 0.11%
- Asian
- 6.01%
- Black
- 5.14%
- Latino
- 3.54%
- Pacific Islander
- 0.08%
- 2 or More Races
- 5.59%
- White
- 79.54%
- Male
- 51.75%
- Female
- 48.25%
Other Statistics
- Special Education
- 16.35%
- English Learner
- 1.75%
Median Household Income
Revenue Sources
Type of Revenue | Income | Percent of Budget |
Local Revenues | $115,666,016.17 | 80.45% |
State Revenues | $26,670,376.47 | 18.55% |
Federal | $1,436,257.90 | 0.99% |
Other | N/A | N/A |
Other Tax Stats
- Property Taxes Collected by District
- $107,478,847.22
- Property Values Within District
$413,000.00Median Home Value
Academic Outcomes
Graduation Rate
Rigorous Courses
Post-Secondary Plans
- 88.10%
- College/University
- 2.18%
- Other Specialized Learning
PSSA Stats
% of Advanced or Proficient
Grade Level | English Language Arts | Math | Science |
Grade 3 | 84.60% | 82.10% | N/A |
Grade 4 | 78.80% | 71.30% | 92.50% |
Grade 5 | 80.20% | 65.50% | N/A |
Grade 6 | 84.10% | 64.10% | N/A |
Grade 7 | 80.20% | 56.40% | N/A |
Grade 8 | 82.30% | 56.40% | 83.40% |
Keystone Results
% of Advanced or Proficient
Grade Level | Literature | Algebra I | Biology |
Grade 11 | 52.68% | 76.06% | 79.27% |
Student /Teacher Ratio
School District Leadership
School District Leadership
Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Maureen Reusche
School Board Directors *
Name | Total Years of Service | Current Term |
School Director Training Certificate
PSBA Provided
Certificate of Board Governance |
Continuing Education Badges Earned
Latanya King
Board President
3 | 2021-2025 |
New School Director Training (RQD-NEW) |
Dr. Kristin Larsen
Board Vice President
7 | 2021-2025 |
Advanced School Director Training (RQD-ADV) |
LaTonia Lee | 1 | 2023-2027 |
New School Director Training (RQD-NEW) |
Dr. Kimberly McKay | 3 | 2021-2025 |
New School Director Training (RQD-NEW) |
David Schwartz | 5 | 2023-2027 |
Advanced School Director Training (RQD-ADV) |
Chris Shelton | 1 | 2023-2027 |
New School Director Training (RQD-NEW) |
Antoinette Snodgrass | 5 | 2023-2027 |
Advanced School Director Training (RQD-ADV) |
Danielle Camaratta Vitale | 3 | 2021-2025 |
New School Director Training (RQD-NEW) |
Bridget Wiedeman | 7 | 2023-2027 |
Advanced School Director Training (RQD-ADV) |
Success Stories
- Exploring social-emotional wellness
- Haverford High School creates Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
- Haverford launches Sports Broadcasting Club
- Students take first place in national WordMasters Challenge
- Fifth grade places first in national math competition
- Special guest teaches first graders about weather
- Smiles behind the masks
- Flexible seating for English Language Arts (ELA)