Palmerton Junior High students partner with Nestle Purina for contest

PAJHS students partnered with Nestle Purina in this year’s What’s So Cool About Manufacturing contest.
Palmerton Area Junior High School (PAJHS) students recently competed in the What’s So Cool About Manufacturing (Lehigh Valley) video contest. Sponsored by the Manufacturers Resource Center, the contest aimed to engage students in exploring local manufacturing companies and their impact on the community.
PAJHS’s team consisted of six students. The team created a 2 1/2-minute video on Nestle Purina Pet Care of Allentown. The students spent several months photographing, videoing and communicating with management at Nestle. After that, the team developed a story line, recorded voice-overs, edited footage and accepted guidance from professional media consultants. Their video highlighted unique manufacturing processes at Purina, as well as the need for hands-on human jobs in an ever increasing automated world.
“I couldn’t be prouder of our team this year. They ran into several roadblocks throughout their project, and they always worked through them. They’ve already started brainstorming for next year’s contest,” said Brianna Carroll, PAJHS teacher and What’s So Cool About Manufacturing co-advisor.
To view the team’s video, please click on the following link: