Chorus students adapt and change

Students in Middle and High School Chorus have been unable to sing or perform due to current pandemic restrictions. However, chorus director, Labrina Ritchey, has found a way to bring music and performing back to her students — guitars, ukuleles and keyboards. Students, including Chloe Stimmel and Kylah Adriance, now have the option to take lessons in any of these three instruments.
“We have not been able to sing or have a traditional chorus experience since last winter. Now, our students can participate in lessons and explore and play an instrument, something many of them have never had the opportunity to enjoy,” Ritchey explained. “The kids have been really excited and the lessons are going well.”
Ritchey said their excitement was immediate and students have embraced the new instruments and the opportunity to play music. Each instrument group participates in 20-minute practice sessions. Ritchey said the lessons are a great source of enjoyment for her as well, as she too loves to hear music again from her students. “This is exciting and I hope we can grow and expand this program for years to come,” she added.