Whitemarsh Elementary explore natural world through Mystery Science

Colonial School District  |  Posted on

Mrs. Turner’s class with their beach umbrellas

In Colonial School District, elementary students learn complex science concepts by asking questions, defining problems, carrying out investigations and designing solutions using Mystery Science.

In Kristin Turner’s class at Whitemarsh Elementary School (WE), first graders worked on their engineering skills to design and build beach umbrellas using paper and pipe cleaners. The children mounted them in clay and tested the umbrellas to see if they could withstand a gust of wind.

“Watching the umbrella move in the breeze was like watching them dancing in the wind,” said WE first grader Rory Mittica. “It was so much fun!”

The students compared the beach umbrellas to trees and discussed why umbrellas tend to fall over in strong winds, while trees can remain standing. “This led to a great conversation about structure, roots and stability in nature,” said Mrs. Turner.

The young scientists incorporated their observations into the umbrella design — creating a solution to a human problem by mimicking how the natural world functions. “It was surprising that the clay was strong enough to hold the umbrella up,” added classmate Crew Craddock.

In addition to comparing their umbrellas to trees, the class also learned that giant lily leaves are able to support themselves, in part, due to a strong set of veins that act like the ribs of an umbrella.