Walk this Way Day Highlights Healthy Living

Superintendent Dr. Scott Eveslage plays basketball to celebrate Walk this Way Day.
“Students look forward to Walk This Way Day annually,” said Hallowell Principal Steve Glaize. “Last year, it was cancelled due to the rain, and despite students learning virtually, we wanted to bring them Walk this Way Day in a new form.”
Instead of stations, Walk this Way Day features six videos, shot at a different park in Horsham, and consist of a short message from a staff or community member. This is followed by an exercise explained by Hallowell physical education teacher Eric Glemser that children can do at home.
The six videos to explore feature:
• Walk this Way Day introduction with Superintendent Dr. Scott Eveslage at Carpenter Park and Principal Glaize at Kohler Park
• Bicycle Safety with Lieutenant Larry Bozzomo of the Horsham Police Department
• Fitness tips with Detective Gloria Hatcher and Sergeant Bill Shapiro of the Horsham Police Department
• Horsham Dog Park tips with Hallowell reading specialist Tami Eldridge
• Everybody’s Playground at Lukens Park with Hallowell counselor Valerie Slott
• The Horsham Park System with Janeen Saxer, member of Horsham Township Park and Recreation’s Board
Walk this Way Day kicked off on October 1 to encourage students to visit the parks, stay fit and practice healthy habits.