The Centennial Team (Tennent Equity Ambassador Members) read to inspire others

High School Students Act As Role Models
In an effort to celebrate Black History Month throughout the Centennial School District, 16 William Tennent High School students from the school’s TEAM (Tennent Equity Advisory Members) and the Assistant Director of Elementary Education visited students in the district’s three elementary schools. The high school students and the Assistant Director read relevant books to the elementary classes that recognized important people of color and events in our nation’s history for which we should all be proud. The event highlighted the achievements of others and provided our high school students with an opportunity to act as role models for younger students. Administrators, teachers, and students shared their excitement about the visit, reporting:
“Thanks for having the high school students read to my class today. The students were very engaged in listening to the stories. Some students stated, “We should do this every Wednesday.”
“They did a great job!”
“My class loved seeing the high schoolers.”
“It was great. You picked great kids. They were great readers and very polite!”
“The students from WTHS were great today!”
“We would love for them to return next month for Women’s History Month.”
“Thank you for coming today with the high school students. I heard positive feedback from several teachers.”
Due to the overwhelmingly positive nature of this experience for both the district’s elementary and high school students, high school students will return, as requested, to read again for Women’s History Month. The district is excited to continue to develop this partnership and support all students in making connections and building positive relationships across the district.