Tech Ed donates project to local train station

Tech Ed students recently donated a hand-crafted donation box to the Western Maryland Railway Station in Meyersdale.
The Western Maryland Railway Station, in Meyersdale, now has a hand-crafted donation box thanks to members of the MAHS Tech Ed Club.
As the number of visitors increases with each passing year, from both the United States and other countries, station attendants are often asked if donations are accepted. Karen Oakes, station manager, had an idea for a donation box with designated slots for each of the 50 states, every continent and Meyersdale. This allows volunteers to track the origins of the donations while highlighting the world-wide appeal the train station has garnered.
Members, including Dylan Teets and Hunter Smiley, designed and created the donation box per her request. Doug Horne, Tech Ed instructor, said the project utilized many skills, hard work and dedication by Smiley and Teets, who spent a significant amount of time making this a true showpiece for the train station. All supplies and materials were donated by the Tech Ed Club.
The idea faced several delays in the aftermath of COVID and other scheduling issues, but Horne and members of his Tech Ed Club were able to coordinate with Oakes to create a true work of art.
Oakes said what makes the completion of this project especially meaningful is that it is now on display in anticipation for Meyersdale’s Sesquicentennial Anniversary.
“We absolutely love it! There are slots for every state and continent and one just for Meyersdale where visitors can put in a coin or any donation to mark where they are from,” Oakes explained. “It is now located in the main parking lot entrance in the room next to the gift shop for visitors who don’t always come in the back door by the trail.”
Horne said his members are proud to be able to do projects for the community, eager to share their skills and hometown pride!