Teachers gain ‘world of work’ insight
“The Teacher in the Workplace program has allowed our staff to see firsthand the current work environment,” stated Seneca Valley Student Services Director Jeff Roberts. “Instead of talking to our students about ‘the world of work’ in general terms, participating teachers will be able to give specific examples. We are committed to providing opportunities for students to understand how to prepare for their next steps in life.”
After debriefing about the experience, the faculty reviewed their school curricula and made recommendations for adjustments that support developing 21st century skills that meet local employers’ needs. Mr. Roberts added, “Teacher participants were amazed at the high-tech work being done in our backyard. They want what they are teaching to be relevant to students’ futures.”
The Teacher in the Workforce grants from PDE are funded through federal money made available through Title II, Part A, of the Every Student Succeeds Act and from L&I through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act. Eligible applicants include local education entities, businesses and chambers of commerce, labor organizations, postsecondary institutions, community-based organizations, public libraries, trade associations, and economic development entities.