Students produce talent show

The following Meyersdale Middle School sixth grade students recently organized and performed a talent show for their Music class: (back row) Christopher DiPasquale, Easton Kalp, Aidan Thomas, Carter Vogt, Hunter Booher, Casey Kennel, Chalyce Miller, Kyleigh Blough, Sarah Hainsworth, Leah Eyer, Aurora Comfort and Abigail Ickes; and (sitting): Brooke Sell, Mallory Emerick, Madison Berkley and Nola Knopsnyder.
“We moved on to learning about some Broadway musical shows when one student asked if they could perform their own musical number. I told them I didn’t think it was possible for us to get anything together just for my classroom,” she explained.
Undaunted, the students persisted and asked if they could work together to “produce” a talent show.
“The whole class pitched in with ideas. Everyone was very excited for this and I was surprised that even some of my more introverted students took advantage of this opportunity. I saw ‘friend groups’ form that weren’t possible when we were just sitting in our seats reading or watching musicals.”
A sign-up sheet was created and students encouraged each other to share their own talents and even pursue a few new skills. Students worked together to create invitations for their teachers and a program for the event. Guests were even treated with “concessions!”
The following acts were performed: “I Want it That Way,” by the Backstreet Boys, was performed by Casey Kennell, Easton Kalp, Hunter Booher, Aiden Thomas, Carter Vogt, Chris DiPasquale and Caleb Hay; Aurora Comfort and Abby Ickes performed “Every Light in the House,” by Trace Adkins; Chalyce Miller performed a piano solo; Kyleigh Blough and Brooke Sell performed a dance and gymnastic routine to the song “16,” by Jenna Davis; Madison Berkley, Leah Eyer, Sarah Hainsworth and Nola Knopsnyder danced to “Burn it Up,” by Janet Jackson; and Mallory Emerick, Madison Berkley and Sarah Hainsworth performed “Fabulous,” by Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel.
Mallory Emerick served as the social media manager and Brooke Sell was in charge of props.
“I was most surprised by the boys who sang Backstreet Boys because only two of them are in chorus. I know who to recruit now,” she added with a laugh.
Ritchey said she was proud of the innovation and determination demonstrated by her students. “This type of improvisation was important to us because we were stuck in a routine of lectures, reading, typical ‘classroom’ stuff. Students haven’t had any concerts, field trips, or really big incentives at all this year,” Ritchey explained. “This was an opportunity for them to showcase their talents that they may not have otherwise shown during a typical 2020-2021 school day. We are confined by so many rules and regulations, which are important, and we’ve almost forgotten about our performance skills and creative minds. These kids put together a really entertaining show!”