Student’s poem wins DelVal contest, gets published

A poem by Quakertown Community High School freshman Devin Sparwasser has been published in a university publication.
Devin Sparwasser, a rising sophomore at Quakertown Community High School, will have a poem published in the 2019-20 edition of The Gleaner, Right the Wrong/Write the Wrong, Delaware Valley University’s High School Writing Competition.
“I was so surprised,” Devin said when she received the email notifying her that she would be receiving prize money and a copy of The Gleaner, DelVal’s literary journal that is staffed by undergraduate students with a professor as the advisor. They publish poetry, prose, and photos. “I never imagined this would happen to me. I feel really lucky.”
Devin learned of the opportunity from Jennifer Stover, her 9th grade English teacher, and one of her biggest supporters. “Devin is a very special young woman,” Mrs. Stover said. “She is both an exceptional student and a genuinely good person. She is conscientious and thoughtful in academics and in personal relationships. She has a strong command of voice and language in her writing and conversation. She is truly something special.”
Devin wrote a letter to Mrs. Stover, thanking her for “believing in me!!! I never would have thought in a million years that my poem would be noticed and that I could possibly be a winner of this contest. … This has inspired me to continue the poetry book that I have been working on throughout the summer that I am thinking of sending to a publisher. … I am extremely grateful that you have been my English teacher and that you have given me such an incredible opportunity!!!!”
Click on this link to read Devin’s poem.