Student’s design picked for mural in Morrisville

Carolina Gonzalez-Espino’s created the mural design using the digital illustration app Procreate.
Gonzalez-Espino created her design using the digital illustration app Procreate. Her artwork depicts the four tenants and the pledge of L.O.V.E. is the Answer.
“Through my involvement and participation in designing the mural, I am helping spread and express L.O.V.E is the Answer’s message through art,” said Gonzalez-Espino, whose goal was to interpret the pledge through a whimsical, youthful and pleasing visualization.
She also wanted to take the meaning of “unity” to another level in her design. Inspired by one of her favorite icons in art history, Keith Haring, she created colorful dancing figures that are holding hands and are connected by a ribbon of love through their hearts.
“What I like about art is that it’s an outlet free for anyone’s use to interpret any opinions, emotions or statements in a creative manner, molding and shaping these statements any way the artist pleases,” said Gonzalez-Espino. “There are no rules, rights or wrongs, or qualifications for what makes something ‘art.’ At the end of the day, there is a message behind every piece to reach the right audience that needs to hear it the most.”
Gonzalez-Espino’s mural will come to life on L.O.V.E. is the Answer Day on September 17. She and a few other Truman students will join the Morrisville community to paint the mural.
“I’m looking forward to finally witness my design portrayed on a big scale and of course, to also collaboratively work together with other fellow student artists, precisely practicing what the L.O.V.E is the Answer pledge preaches,” said Gonzalez-Espino.