Students and veterans celebrate November 11

A group of students at the Hatboro-Horsham High School (HHHS) Veteran Day Celebration.
“I am proud of the students who organized and planned this event,” said HHHS Principal Dennis Williams. “After enjoying the Keith Valley Middle School Veteran Breakfasts, the students wanted to organize a similar event at the high school level.”
The school choir sang the National Anthem and a veteran staff member raised the flag. There were a few short speeches from Principal Williams and veterans, and students and their families enjoyed a light breakfast.
At Keith Valley Middle School, the annual Veterans Day breakfast and ceremony was modified to a Grab-N-Go Breakfast. Students and their veteran family members were greeted at the front of the school with flags and posters. They enjoyed a light breakfast outside in front of the school.
“Although the breakfast looked different than previous years, we were happy to still be able to hold the breakfast for veterans and students, who look forward to the event every year,” said KVMS Principal Jon Kircher.