Student wins award for play

Lilith Bohin
Fox Chapel Area High School sophomore Lilith Bohin was named a winner in the Prime Stage Theatre’s Fifth Annual High School Drama Awards. Lilith won in the best student costume design and/or fabrication category for Fox Chapel Area High School’s 2024 fall play, “Harvey.”
Other Fox Chapel Area High School nominees for the awards were senior Noah Miller in the best supporting actor category, and the team of senior Pauline Piechotta and juniors Molly Krajcovic and Adeline Moritz for best student makeup design and/or application.
According to the Drama Awards Director John Dolphin, “We could not be prouder of each and every one of the students who have dedicated themselves to producing some of the finest theatre we have seen … As leaders in the Pittsburgh theatre community, we feel it is our duty to bring guidance and recognition to the young people who will soon take our place. They are the future of our community, both theatre and otherwise, and without them, Pittsburgh theatre would not be prospering in the amazing ways we see today.
The Prime Stage Theatre’s drama awards were presented at a ceremony that was held January 11, 2025, at The Hillman Center for Performing Arts.The awards recognize excellence in student-run high school drama and were open to schools from across Southwestern Pennsylvania.