Showing appreciation for first responders

Seneca Valley School District  |  Posted on

One of the sixth-grade student teams at Haine Middle School (HMS) recently read the book, “Branches of Hope” and learned about the Survivor Tree that’s at the 9/11 Memorial site in New York City. A single Callery pear tree, which became known as the Survivor Tree, was found buried in rubble at Ground Zero. It was burned and badly damaged, but it still showed signs of life. The tree was rehabilitated and replanted at the Memorial site in NYC in 2010 and is a living symbol of hope and resilience.

A lesson was presented to the team and students created their own messages of hope to be displayed on a tree in the sixth-grade hallway. Donations were collected from students and families to create care baskets containing a variety of single serve drinks and treats to be given to the local EMS, fire stations and the police department as a small token of thanks for their service and sacrifice. A representative from each of those agencies visited HMS with their emergency vehicles on Wednesday, September 11, to receive these baskets from the students.

“It’s important for us that students have a personal connection to their learning,” said Mr. Ari Zahavi, sixth-grade math teacher at HMS. “In teaching about the tragic events of 9/11, we wanted to equally focus on the positive traits that first responders and other citizens showed to overcome these terrible actions. Mrs. Michelle Rogozinski came up with the idea of having students show their appreciation to local first responders, whom many of our students have everyday interactions with. Students were excited that they would be able to deliver their handmade cards and donations.”

“As we studied the events that took place on September 11, 2001, we focused heavily on the firefighters, police officers, paramedics and other emergency personnel who worked tirelessly in dangerous conditions to rescue and assist those in need,” said Mrs. Michelle Rogozinski, sixth-grade English teacher at HMS. “The heroism displayed on that day and in the days that followed deeply inspired our students to give back to the first responders in their community who work diligently to keep them safe daily. This project aims to express our appreciation for the men and women who consistently exhibit extraordinary courage and selflessness.”