Service clubs give back to the community

Fox Chapel Area High School juniors Jack Lynch (left) and Gavin Rosswog help restock fish in the Pine Creek Watershed.

Members of the Fox Chapel Area High School History Club helped to clean up Duncan Heights Cemetery in McCandless. From left to right are senior Elijah Conklin, teacher advisor Eric Norberg, and seniors Arvind Seshan, Paul Kullmann and Caleb Hahl.
The Fox Chapel Area High School History Club participated in a cemetery cleanup at the abandoned Duncan Heights Cemetery in McCandless Township. Club members seniors Elijah Conklin, Caleb Hahl, Paul Kullmann and Arvind Seshan, and Fox Chapel Area High School history teacher and club advisor Eric Norberg, gathered at the cemetery October 12, 2022, to cut grass, clear weeds, and reopen a trail on the property. The cemetery, which is currently unclaimed, is home to the graves of a number of World War II veterans, and has not had a burial since at least the 1960s. A group of cemetery neighbors has also been working on the property, and the Fox Chapel Area High School History Club partnered with one of the group leaders to assist in the rehabilitation efforts. The event was organized by Arvind, who is also the president of the high school’s History Club.
The Fox Chapel Area High School Fishing Club recently partnered with the Allison Park Sportsmen’s Club and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to stock trout in the Pine Creek Watershed. They placed trout in the delayed harvest stretch of the creek located between Bryant Road and Mt. Royal Boulevard in Allison Park October 18. Fox Chapel Area High School counselor John Baxter, and social studies teachers Scott Karavlan and Eric Norberg, are members of the Allison Park Sportsmen’s Club, and helped to coordinate the stocking effort. Fox Chapel Area High School Fishing club members juniors Jack Lynch and Gavin Rosswog helped with the trout restocking.