Meyersdale reboots its recycling program

Life-Skills students at Meyersdale Area High School have rebooted their recycling program this school year with great success.
The program was placed on hold following the pandemic but was able to return to operation this school year. Students visit classrooms several times each week collecting paper items and also collect #1 and #2 plastics, as well as aluminum cans and glass. The recycling shed is now open for these items and members of the public are welcome to drop off their items.
There are many facets to this program that benefit the Life-Skills students. Students are responsible for the collection and sorting of all recyclable items, preparation of items for pick-up and drop-off, and tracking of receipts.
Brandon McIver, Life Skills teacher, said the return of the program has been enthusiastic from both students and faculty and staff at Meyersdale Area School District. His students have greatly enjoyed visiting classrooms and sharing their experiences, while doing work they know makes a true and real difference in our school, our community and our world.
In early May, students had an opportunity to visit the facility that processes items collected – Penn-Mar Recycling in Cumberland, MD. Students enjoyed visiting the facility and seeing how the items they collect are processed. Penn-Mar employees met with students and explained the work done at their plant and thanked students for their enthusiasm and participation in this program.
Students have also enjoyed learning about the recycling process and how their work is making a difference. Proceeds from their collections are used to fund field trips and other special programs throughout the school year.