High school students implement recycling initiatives

Students distribute new recycling receptacles throughout school.
Karen Shaffran’s junior Project Based Learning class (PBL11) and students in the CHS Environmental Club collaborated to introduce a new recycling initiative at CHS as part of a PBL11 environmental science project. Students worked alongside administration and the school board to acquire 85 large, lidded recycling bins, which are made of recycled plastic, to allow the CHS community to recycle properly. The new receptacles will be placed in each classroom, as well as in high traffic areas throughout the building.
“I wanted the students to do a project that shows them that what they do does matter, and the support from admin and the board has been inspiring,” said Shaffran.
PBL11 students created “Do’s and Don’ts” signage about recycling, and members of the environmental club will speak on the announcements each day to remind students to recycle properly. As a reward for proper recycling habits, teachers will hand out tickets to students to be entered in a weekly drawing where they can win $10 gift cards to local eateries.
Along with the new receptacles around the school, custodians also received new rolling bins and a dumpster to properly dispose of the building’s recycling. Students involved in the project met with custodians earlier this week to express their gratitude and review expectations for successfully implementing this new initiative.
Students from Skills4Life, PBL and CHS Environmental Club hung posters and assembled and distributed the new bins.