FFA week

Members of the MAHS FFA prepared to celebrate National FFA Week
The Meyersdale FFA Chapter observed National FFA Week, February 17 through 24, with a series of activities and outreach efforts. Members organized events and activities designed to highlight the importance of FFA – the largest youth organization in the United States of America! The Meyersdale FFA Chapter boasts more than 50 members and each is eager to share the many benefits this organization has to offer.
Members enjoyed preparing for the week, recognizing this is an opportunity to share the many benefits of the organization and the impact it has had on their lives.
Chapter President Maddie Engle said it is an honor to promote and raise awareness for an organization that has had such a dramatic impact on her life.
“What FFA means to me is that I can spread my love for agriculture and FFA. I show livestock and live on a farm, so FFA is in my blood,” she explained.
“To me, FFA means that I can express my passion for agriculture through a school-based ag organization. During FFA week, I hope to share all the fun and interesting opportunities that the FFA makes available to students all across the country, even to students in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico,” explained Carrie Engle, Secretary.
Members spent several days preparing chocolate covered pretzels to be distributed to students in grades six through 12.
Members have also planned a “Spirit Week” to further raise awareness of FFA. The schedule was: Tuesday – wear comfy clothes day; Wednesday – Favorite College Day; Thursday – Hat and Boots day; and Friday – National Wear Blue day.
Bailey Knotts, Vice President, said she hopes this special week will introduce students to the important values and beliefs offered by FFA.
“FFA is not just for farmers, anyone and everyone can join. This organization has been exciting. I have learned so much and have become a better leader. Next week is a week for us to promote FFA to everyone and why they should join this organization,” she explained.
Members also served their traditional appreciation breakfast to faculty and staff at all three levels of the district during the week’s festivities.
The MAHS FFA chapter sponsored a daily trivia contest, with prizes, to students in high school.
MAHS is one of nearly 9,000 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., with more than 850,000 student members.
“To me, FFA means that I can show my love and passion for agriculture and showing animals! It gives me an opportunity to be surrounded by others that enjoy the same things as well,” Alexis Mostoller, 2nd Vice President. “During FFA week, I hope to share and bring awareness to the true meaning of what FFA is and how fun it actually can be!”