Elementary Students Attend Online Concert

Sunrise Estates Elementary School: Row 1: Estella Faulhaber, Caelan and Liam Lynch, Reagan Andelman, Lily Thoma Row 2: Zachary Kravetz, Rebecca Tirpak, Emily Clark, Gavin Ruzich Row 3: Reece Clark, Mila Kmetz, Chase Butler, Allie Porter
Mrs. Andrea Frescura’s second-grade music students from Harrison Park, Sunrise and Level Green Elementary Schools (Penn-Trafford School District) recently attended virtual orchestra performances by several ensembles, including the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Brass Section.
Originally, the classes were scheduled to take spring field trips to see the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. When the field trips were canceled, Mrs. Frescura decided to compile video performances into a Youtube playlist for the students. The online performances were very enjoyable, and the students still got dressed up for the occasion. “Although the students were not able to visit Heinz Hall in person during this time, I hope that they were still able to virtually experience all that the orchestra has to offer,” said Mrs. Frescura.