Conshohocken Elementary celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

CE Kindergartener Lucas Flaherty learned that hola means hello during National Hispanic Heritage Month.
“I learned that hola means hello,” said CE kindergartener Lucas Flaherty.
While the celebration honors Hispanic Americans with ties to Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America, CE focused on countries with current connections to the students and staff, including Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Chile, Belize and Costa Rica. The children watched the Mexican Hat Dance, learned about Hispanic American Astronaut Ellen Ochoa and talked about Hispanic foods.
“I like that I saw quesadillas on the food section, because quesadillas are my favorite food,” said CE third grader Reyli Prieto Elguera, who speaks both Spanish and English.
National Hispanic Heritage Month lessons also took place in the students’ specialist classes. For example, they studied Mexican artist Frida Kahlo in art class, Angelica Negron and Juan Garcia Esquivel in music, and baseball Player Roberto Clemente in gym.