Community connection nights help students thrive

Plum Borough School District is connecting with its community
The first event in the series, Building Resiliency in our Children with guest speaker Kevin Honeycutt, was held on August 15, 2022. Mr. Honeycutt discussed how we can help our children build the skill set to survive and thrive during difficult times throughout their formative years. The second event, Mental Health Awareness, was held on October 18, 2022, and brought together a panel of mental health experts who shared mental health resources available for families, and what parents can do at home to support their child’s mental health.
The final event in the series, Shaping the Way Our Children Use Smartphones, will be on February 7, 2023. Shape the Sky will be joining us to share critical information about what children may really be doing on their phones. Although there is good that can come from connectedness online, the flip side is filled with concerning content. This event will help spread awareness to parents and professionals about the dangers children face on the internet and through social media.