Cadets up for the challenge

JROTC Cadets
Two Seneca Valley JROTC cadets, senior Logan Randall and junior Wesley Marks, have been invited to attend the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Three-Position Air Rifle (3PAR) National Championship taking place June 21-22, in Port Clinton, Ohio.
The Raider Battalion Marksmanship Team competed in the Regional CMP Championship that took place April 12-13. The team missed qualifying for the national competition by five points, however, Mr. Randall’s and Mr. Mark’s individual scores qualified them to be invited to the national competition as individual athletes giving them the opportunity to continue to compete in the third and final round.
The CMP National Championship is the final event in the CMP Three-Position Air Rifle Championships. Qualification for this match comes from the CMP Regional Championships as well as the CMP State matches. The match will consist of two days of 3×20 matches and a final for the top eight competitors on the last day.
Student accomplishments as a SV JROTC cadet:
Logan Randall
Recipient for a NCAA Division I Rifle scholarship from Virginia Military Institute (VMI)
Recipient for the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) $1000 Scholarship
Earned the Expert Air Rifle Badge
Earned the JR Bronze Shooters badge from Civilian Marksman Program (CMP)
Competed four years on the Raider Battalion Marksmanship Team
Wesley Marks
Earned the Expert Air Rifle Badge
Earned the JR Bronze Shooters badge from Civilian Marksman Program (CMP)
Competed 2 Raider Battalion Marksmanship Team