Annual transition fair assists students with special needs

Shreya Bhaksar, from Woods Services, meets with a student from the Council Rock School District.
The Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) hosted its annual Secondary Transition Options and Resource Fair (STORF) on Wednesday, November 6. Transition services play a crucial role in preparing students with special needs for life after high school graduation. Designed specifically to support students and their families, STORF provides vital connections and information to navigate the challenges of this important life transition.
“Once students receive a diploma, they move from a school system where they are entitled to services into the adult world, where they must be deemed eligible for support,” explained Jamie Lill, Bucks IU Program and Training Specialist. “Funding for, and access to, services is limited, so these connections need to be established well before graduation.”
Lill encourages families to start attending transition fairs when students turn 14 — the age when Pennsylvania requires transition planning sessions to be included in a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).
This year marks the 24th annual STORF event hosted by the Bucks IU. The fair featured a range of service providers, offering options such as post-secondary education and training, employment support and independent living resources. Participants included organizations such as the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Bucks County Department of Behavioral Health/Developmental Programs and Bucks County Center for Independent Living. Tina DiBiaso, a parent who began attending transition fairs several years ago to prepare for her son Sean’s post-graduation needs, shared her experience. “Every year I attended, I learned something new. Often, there was a new provider or program represented. This event is always worth attending,” DiBiaso said.
DiBiaso now works as a resource and strategy advisor for The Next Step Programs in Doylestown, an organization offering employment, community participation and social opportunities for post-graduates. She continues to attend STORF to introduce new clients to her organization and connect families to essential resources.
“This fair gives individuals with special needs and their families the chance to meet and talk with numerous organizations that can help plan for adult life in the community,” DiBiaso said. “Only through thoughtful planning can an individual build a meaningful life after high school. This event is centrally located and accessible to everyone in Bucks County and nearby areas.”
She emphasized the unique value of the fair. “This is the one event each year that brings together most of the key entities critical to supporting transition-age individuals and their families. For any organization serving this population, it’s the best in-person event in Bucks County to share their vision and purpose.”