Student named finalist in VOD contest

Amber Long, a senior at Meyersdale Area High School, was named a finalist in the 2024-25 Voice of Democracy essay contest.
Meyersdale Area High School senior Amber Long was selected as a finalist for the 2024-25 VFW Voice of Democracy Contest. Amber was invited to attend the annual VOD awards banquet, held in conjunction with the VFW Mid-Winter Conference, recently held in Gettysburg. Amber was a top 25 finalist out of 4,000 students across the commonwealth.
Amber earned this honor by writing an outstanding essay based on this year’s prompt, “Is America today our forefathers vision?”
She said participating in this year’s contest was an important goal she set for herself and she saw it as a way to share her admiration and respect for our nation’s military and democracy. “This was important to me because the military is a big part of my family. Both of my grandfathers have served and numerous cousins have also served,” she explained.
Established in 1947, the Voice of Democracy essay contest is open to high school students in grades 9 through 12. Each year, nearly 25,000 students from across the country enter to win their share of more than $1 million in educational scholarships and incentives awarded through the program.
Amber is the daughter of Amy and Frank Long. She is a member of the MAHS jazz, concert and marching bands; the Lady Raider Softball team; Raider Review; SADD; Envirothon and Student Council. Following graduation, Amber will be attending Frostburg State University enrolled in the health science program to earn her undergraduate requirements for veterinary science then continue her education at a veterinary school.