SV Jazz ensemble shines at PMEA district festival

SV Jazz Ensemble
Last month, 27 Seneca Valley band students were selected by solo audition to perform in the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) District Jazz Festival, held February 14-15 at Slippery Rock University. The festival consisted of three auditioned jazz ensembles comprised of students from Beaver, Butler, Lawrence and Mercer counties. Seneca Valley had the most student representatives of any participating district!
Guest conductors included Alan Baylock, arranger, composer and director of the highly respected University of North Texas One O’Clock Lab Band; Chris Coles, Akron-based freelance saxophonist and faculty member at Oberlin Conservatory and The University of Akron; and Clint Bleil, Pittsburgh-based freelance saxophonist and assistant professor of music at Seton Hill University. The event concluded with a public concert at Slippery Rock University’s Miller Auditorium.
Camden Armstrong, Noah Bracht, Jordan Courtney, Elora Dabravalskas, Colton Frankovich, Quintin Hixon, Autumn Holmes, Caroline Holmes, Benny James, Maddy Karns, Rileigh Karns, Daniel Kennaday, Sam Luszik, Lily Maschmeier, Peter McHenry, Braedon McNally, Stone Oechslein, Noah Ponchek, Avery Rape, John Rieger, Eli Scanlan, Jack Schaar, Brendon Shick, Brandon Suski, Imogen Tomo, Mackenzie Tunstall and Adrian Wrubel
Students are led by Varden Armstrong and Robert Babick, secondary instrumental instructors.