Students celebrate acceptance and giving back

Hatboro-Horsham School District  |  Posted on

Hatboro-Horsham elementary schools built understanding and community in honor of International Day of Acceptance. Crooked Billet Elementary School held Acceptance Day on January 13 and this year’s theme was “Listening to Understand…We are One.” Throughout the day, students participated in experiences to cultivate their ability to listen to one another while simultaneously building understanding and community.

“Listening to understand is about finding common denominators to making friends and being in a school community. Are we being open to new ideas? Are we whole body listening with our eyes, ears and mind?” said grades 3-5 counselor Sarah Carner, who organized Acceptance Day with grades K-2 counselor Tami Italia.
One way students practiced whole-body listening was the outdoor 5-4-3-2-1 walk. During the quiet walk, students noted five things they saw, four things they could touch, three things they heard, two things they smelled and one thing they appreciated.

Another highlight of the day allowed the elementary and high school students to interact. Hatboro-Horsham High School Link Crew members organized and ran different listening games for the students such as Simon Says and Whisper Down the Alley.

Conversation circles and commonality match games were also used for students to learn something new about their classmates, recognize similarities and learn questions they can ask to make friends.

“You learn something new every day,” said a second grade student. “I learned that Scarlet’s favorite candy is skittles.”

Crooked Billet’s Acceptance Day wrapped up with A World of Magic assembly, featuring a magician.

“The assembly allowed us to do something as a whole school to bring everyone together and create a tight-knit school community,” said Carner.