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Great PA Schools Designation Application
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Name of superintendent (As it should appear in the official records):
Official school name (As it should appear in the official records):
School mailing address (If address is P.O. Box, also include street address.):
District website:
Social media accounts:
Twitter URL:
Instagram URL:
Facebook URL:
LinkedIn URL:
Blog or Other Social Media URL:
Please provide a vector file of your district logo.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Acceptable file types include .svg, .ai, or .eps. If you do not have one of the previously mentioned logo file types available, please provide a .png file with a minimum of 2000 pixels.
Academic Rigor
100% of teachers certified
Access to rigorous programming - access to three or more of the following:
Career and technical education programing
Gifted education
Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate
Internship or co-op programs
JROTC program
By checking this box I guarantee that 100% of the teachers in our school district are certified in the state of Pennsylvania.
At our public school district, our students have access to these rigorous programs: (please select all that apply)
Career and technical education Programing
Gifted education
Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate
Internship or co-op programs
JROTC program
Centerpiece of the Community
Demonstrates innovation in school programming
Regularly celebrates the success of students and staff
Provides academic and extracurricular offerings for the benefit of student
Please explain how your public school district is a centerpiece of the community using the criteria outlined above.
The district has implemented an emergency preparedness plan.
Please explain/confirm that your public school district has an emergency preparedness plan in place. In addition, please describe the mental health supports that are available to your students.
Financial Health
Complete financial audit by elected or independent auditor conducted annually
Final budget made available for public review prior to adoption
School code requirements for bids and quotations are followed when purchasing goods and services.
Please explain how your district completes your annual financial audit.
Please share the URL or process that your public school district uses to make the final budget available for public review prior to adoption.
Please explain the process your public school district uses for soliciting bids and quotes when purchasing goods or services on behalf of the district.
I have reviewed the information in this application, including the eligibility requirements, and certify, to the best of my knowledge, that my school district has met the requirements.
Name of superintendent
Signature of superintendent
Clear Signature
Date of submission
I have reviewed the information in this application, including the eligibility requirements, and certify, to the best of my knowledge, that my school district has met the requirements.
Name of board president
Signature of board president
Clear Signature
Date of submission
Email for copy of submission